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"During working with Mac we strategically brought on a new sales person which doubled my revenue month on month and at the same time transitioned from my office to working remotely saving me £8000 per month"

Anna Kitney
Healer, Trainer & Coach

"After working with Mac both my sales and confidence went through the roof in just 90days in a way which I never thought was possible and continuing to work with Mac my results continue to grow."

Sabina Ahuja
Healer, Trainer & Coach

"In the last 2 months of working with Mac it's been incredible. I improved my sales script and in doing so increase my sales by over 150%! I highly recommend working with Mac if you want to grow your business!"

Daniel Fendt
Trainer & Coach

"In just two months of working with Mac I was able to 2X my revenue and following that was able to 4X revenue compared the the year before. I am now more aware and focused in my businesses direction."

Elaine Anne

"Within just 6 weeks of working with Mac we were making 400% more every month, I've got far more free time and I've got that clarity and focus I needed and therefore I highly recommend working with Mac."

Glenn Burgess
Business Owner

Better Results Through Coaching

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